How easy is allergy testing?

Spring allergy season is an important time to know your triggers

If you're sniffling and sneezing this spring, you may be wondering: what exactly am I allergic to? Is there anything I can do about it, or am I doomed to feel awful every time the flowers start blooming?

The good news is, allergy testing can be as simple as making an appointment with a healthcare provider and asking for an allergy blood test.

Also known as a specific IgE blood test, an allergy blood test measures the concentration of specific IgE antibodies in the blood. These antibodies help determine if you are allergic, and to what. The results of your blood test, together with your detailed medical history and a physical examination, will also help your healthcare provider develop a customized treatment plan that's right for you.

Fill out this symptom profile prior to your appointment so you're prepared for a quick and easy conversation with your healthcare provider.

Unlike skin-prick testing, there's no risk that a blood test will trigger an allergic reaction. This is especially important if you or your child are at a higher risk for a life-threatening, anaphylactic reaction. And for infants and young children, a single needle prick for a blood sample may be less traumatic than the repeated scratching of a skin-prick test.

Learn more about how to get tested on

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