
( lat. Tidestromia )

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Amaranthaceae
Genus: Tidestromia

Plant Allergy Overview



Pollen Season

Spring to Fall





Allergy Information

This plant has not been reported widely to cause pollinosis, but is wind-pollinated and may have some allergenicity.

Genus Details

Honeysweet (Tidestromia lanuginosa) is an annual that grows in dense mats. It has white, fuzzy stems with small round leaves that grow up to 16 inches tall. This plant grows frequently in upland plains, waste areas and disturbed areas from western Kansas to Utah, and south to New Mexico.

Pollen Description

Tidestromia pollen grains, like the rest of the Amaranthaceae family, are spheroidal and pantoporate. The pores are circular and distributed across the grain. The sexine is often tegillate. The pollen grains in this family are impossible to distinguish between the genera.

Genus Distribution

The shaded areas on the map indicates where the genus has been observed in the United States.

- Native, observed in a county 
- Introduced, observed in a county 
- Rarely observed

Species in Honeysweet Genus

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